Grievances: An Overview
This course provides an overview of what grievances are and the process your union uses to provide representation to members. It will look at the various types of grievances and the legal framework that guides the grievance process.
Course Number
Estimated Effort
About This Course
This course provides an overview of what grievances are and the process your union uses to provide representation to members. It will look at the various types of grievances and the legal framework that guides the grievance process. It will also help members who are interested in becoming a steward to assist members with workplace problems and determine when something is grievable and when another problem-solving approach is appropriate.
Course Level
Basic - Basic Courses are open to all PSAC members. They introduce a topic. There are no prerequisite courses and learners do not require any previous knowledge or experience in the subject. The knowledge and skills learners gain will prepare them to participate in our union and to take further education.